Landsat 9 and its Impact on Remote Sensing Research
On September 27, 2021, Landsat 9 launched into space from Vandenberg Space Force Base signifying the continuation of what is arguably the world’s most important satellite family. Since 1972, the Landsat satellite series has collected data on Earth’s forests, farms, cities, and freshwater regions, creating the longest satellite record of its kind.
The mission, a partnership between NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey, has accumulated an archive of more than 8 million images. Landsat 9 will add an additional 700+ images every day to help analysts track everything from water use in crop fields to the speed of Antarctic glaciers.
The impact Landsat has made, and is continuing to make, is undeniable – especially to everyone here at EarthDaily Agro.
“The Landsat series really enabled most of the remote sensing research for agriculture,” said Matthieu Hyrien, Chief Revenue Officer. “It’s paved the way for companies like EarthDaily Agro to offer high-quality maps and satellite analytics that ultimately help better understand and mitigate risks.”
Using Landsat as the industry gold standard, we’re preparing, along with our parent company EarthDaily Analytics, to launch The EarthDaily Constellation, the world’s most powerful global change detection and analysis system.
“We’re excited to be able to offer high-quality indicators and analytics-ready data for the entire Earth landmass every day,” said Hyrien. “This data infrastructure will be updated within hours and made available to customers through our cloud-based platform.”
As Landsat 9 settles into its orbit in space, it will continue to inspire our team on our journey to measure the evolution of Earth in order to understand it, protect it, and change it sustainably.