Who we are

EarthDaily Agro is a satellite-based analytics company supporting unbiased decision making and risk mitigation in agriculture. Do nível regional ao nível de talhão, nossa experiência em sistemas de informação geográfica proporciona escala global em uma plataforma exclusiva enquanto nossa presença nos grandes países agrícolas do mundo oferece soluções localizadas. Através do uso de técnicas avançadas de análise e aprendizagem de máquina, a EarthDaily Agro continua a impulsionar a tecnologia na agricultura ainda mais adiante.

Our team includes:

  • Experienced agriculture analysts using weather and satellite data to assess crop conditions around the world
  • Innovative engineers and data scientists applying the latest breakthroughs in computer vision and machine learning
  • Solutions specialists in our respective fields, breaking boundaries with clarity and vision
  • Reactive and helpful support teams and integration analysts always ready to exceed expectations
  • Experts in industries day-to-day business who understand customers' pain points and how to solve them



Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion is a priority. EarthDaily Analytics works with guidance of the local authorities and experts to meet specific employment equity measures.

We are genuinely interested in optimizing our policies and programs to positively impact diverse groups of prospective employees and current employees including those who may be gender diverse.

A particular target group of interest is Women – under-represented at the tech sector, specifically in Science, Engineering, Technology and Math (STEM) disciplines.

We are working to close the Diversity gap by:

  • Using an internal ‘HR Committee’ to support and monitor GBA+ initiatives including measures to ensure equitable compensation practices
  • Introducing special measures to hire and promote underrepresented groups if possible
  • Creating awareness e.g. participation in Women Deliver 2019 by more than 50% of our staff
  • Encouraging staff to inform initiatives through focus groups/committees

Career Opportunities

To support our company’s growth and leadership position in our field, we are always on the lookout for new talent. Interested in joining our team?