Employee Spotlight: Nick Ohrtman

Nick Ohrtman is our Director of Partner Success. He works with larger customers to help to grow their business and the value they receive from Geosys.

Growing up on a corn and soybean farm in northwest Iowa, Nick is very familiar with the importance of the ag world, and everything it has to offer. Nick spends much of his time on the farm during the growing season. “I like to consider myself as Geosys’ Resident Farmer. If it brings value to my farm, it will likely bring value to others. I get to benefit from being the first test case on most anything we do with our analytics,” says Nick.

Before joining Geosys, Nick worked for Ag Leader Technology as an International Sales Manager selling Precision Agriculture Electronics all over the world. He said the role was valuable for him to gain knowledge about global agriculture and realize that not all farming was the same as his family’s farm in Northwest Iowa.

Nick says his role in Partner Success fits his biggest interest; learning about the questions the customer needs answered and matching that with Geosys’ capabilities to improve their business.

If you are an Agronomist trying to determine which fields have changed the most recently and need to be scouted or a bank wondering which growers could have a hard time paying back their loan this year due to low production, Geosys has the data and expertise to answer these questions.